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 Williamsburg Gymnastics

COVID - 19 Operating Procedures


With guidelines relaxing in the state of Virginia in response to COVID-19, restrictions within our facility are also starting to relax. We wanted to pass on information about changes that will be happening in the gym over the next few weeks. 

  1. Wellness Checks- We will continue to issue hand sanitizer to all individuals entering Williamsburg Gymnastics as well as monitor children for runny noses, coughs, upset stomachs and headaches. If a child is not feeling well, we will send them home from practice. We are asking families to continue to be diligent in not sending their children to gymnastics if they or anyone in their household is not feeling well, have had exposure to COVID-19, or are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.
    1. Parent Viewing- We are excited to welcome family members back into the gym starting next week. We will be allowing 1 family member per child in our recreational classes to come in and view their child's class from inside our facility. We are asking family members to stand where their child's belongings are while viewing. This will help us continue to keep our classes and team schedules on track.   We will continue to check athletes in through our side door as well as parents if they would like to stay. You are not required to stay, drop and go is still available for all non preschool classes. 

    2. Travel quarantine restrictions- At this time, we are not requiring children to stay out of the gym after they have traveled.

    3. Masks- Please review our current mask policies:


Effective immediately, athletes, parents, coaches and staff of Williamsburg Gymnastics will be highly encouraged to wear a mask while in the facility, but will no longer be required to wear one. This decision comes in response to numbers in the community steadily trending downward causing WJCC to no longer be considered in a high transmission category. We will continue to monitor numbers and if for some reason we feel that it is necessary to revise this policy we will communicate that information to you.

We will continue to issue hand sanitizer to athletes before and after class, clean and sanitize high traffic areas, as well as monitor students for any signs of illness. We would also appreciate it if our families would continue to be diligent in making sure that if their child is not feeling well to keep them out of class until they are symptom free for 48 hours without medication. We would also appreciate it if a child has had a direct exposure to COVID-19 to follow CDC guidelines based on their vaccination status.

We are so thankful for our families and your continued support of our programs. Your safety and health throughout this pandemic have always been and will continue to be our top priority at Williamsburg Gymnastics.


We thank you again for your continued patience and flexibility while we make this transition. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions that you may have. 

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